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  • Frugl (FGL) has launched version 2.1 of its grocery price comparison app on the Apple and Android app stores
  • The frugl app allows users to compare the cost of products between supermarkets to create a store-specific shopping list
  • Version 2.1 allows users to narrow their searches using specific filters based on their needs such as dietary requirements and allergies
  • This new version also features a bullseye feature which allows users to find similar and more relevant products based on previous searches and purchases
  • Finally, users can create and save more accurate custom shopping lists by being able to include quantities in their basket
  • Shares in Frugl are down 10.4 per cent on the market and are trading at 4.3 cents

Frugl (FGL) has launched version 2.1 of its grocery price comparison app on the Apple and Android app stores.

This app allows users to compare the cost of products between supermarkets such as Coles and Woolworths to create a store-specific shopping list.

It analyses consumer behaviour in real-time and evaluates shifts in product merchandising and price changes across more than 60,000 different products.

Version 2.1 allows users to narrow their searches using specific filters based on their needs.

For example, users can search based on dietary requirements, allergies, store and additives.

Version 2.1 also allows users to search using the bullseye feature which allows them to find similar and more relevant products based on previous searches and purchases.

Users can create and save more accurate custom shopping lists by being able to include quantities in their basket.

This will give a more accurate cost and can determine how much the user will be saving.

Finally, version 2.1 also features increased processing speed and new caching capabilities that will enable future improvements as more versions are released.

Shares in Frugl are down 10.4 per cent on the market and are trading at 4.3 cents at 12:17 pm AEST.

FGL by the numbers
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