
ALT’s new pelvic​ treatment CE-Marked

Health Care, Technology
17 April 2019 23:44 (AEST)

Analytica has announced the PeriCoach system is CE-Marked to assist in the treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse and urinary incontinence.

Currently, the only smartphone pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation system, PeriCoach helps more than 50 per cent of women who experience POP.

POP often occurs after women experience childbirth and their pelvic floor muscles become stretched leaving other organs, such as the bladder, feeling less supported.

PeriCoach consists of a pelvic floor training sensor, which is inserted and squeezed. This information is then connected and sent to an app on smart-phones.

This monitors activity in the pelvic floor muscles with the information then being sent to physicians to determine if the patient is doing the pelvic exercises.

These exercises will reduce the chance of surgery and improve health in the future.

Pelvic muscle exercises can also help with bladder leakage while pregnant and after you have given birth.

Other ways it helps include easier childbirth, reduction in back pain and reduced risk of health problems when you age.

PeriCoach can now be sold in Turkey, Switzerland and the surrounding European Area while already being available in Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, and the USA.

Please find the announcement here

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