
Anax Metals (ASX:ANX) intersects massive sulphides at Whim Creek

ASX News, Materials
ASX:ANX      MCAP $9.640M
12 April 2022 11:10 (AEDT)
Anax Metals (ASX:ANX) - Managing DIrector, Geoff Laing

Source: Geoff Laing/LinkedIn

Anax Metals (ANX) has intersected massive copper and zinc sulphide mineralisation at the Whim Creek Project in the West Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Geotechnical diamond drilling was completed at the Evelyn and Salt Creek deposits to provide core for geotechnical studies.

Four holes were drilled at Evelyn, for 358 metres, with two holes specifically designed for geotechnical purposes and the remaining two were drilled in areas of known mineralisation to collect samples for metallurgical test work.

Two of the holes at Evelyn intersected near-surface massive sulphides consisting of chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, galena and sphalerite with widths of up to 15 metres.

Three holes, for 335 metres, were then drilled at the Salt Creek Deposit with two drilled for geotechnical purposes and one for metallurgical samples.

Drilling at both deposits successfully intersected significant mineralisation including zones of well-mineralised copper, zinc and lead in the form for semi-massive to massive sulphides.

Continuous XRF scanning of the core has begun with results to be reported on once assays have been received.

Additionally, two geotechnical holes were drilled at Mons Cupri to obtain geotechnical and structural information to underpin engineering and pit design work.

“Initial observations from this latest round of diamond drilling have been very encouraging and while assay results are still awaited, the intersection of massive copper and zinc sulphides and confirmation of historically defined mineralisation is exciting,” Managing Director Geoff Laing said.

“Metallurgical test work is due to commence shortly and is expected to confirm visual estimates of compatibility with existing processing design engineering work. It is intended
for both high grade deposits to feed directly into the Whim Creek development scenario.”

Anax was up 39.2 per cent on the market with shares trading at 13.5 cents at 10:47 am AEST.

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