
Anax Metals (ASX:ANX) strikes massive copper and zinc sulphides at Evelyn deposit, WA

ASX News, Materials
ASX:ANX      MCAP $7.945M
02 June 2022 10:28 (AEDT)

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Anax Metals (ANX) has unveiled “outstanding” assay results from recent drilling completed at the Evelyn deposit within its Whim Creek project in WA’s West Pilbara region.

The junior explorer said the results came from two diamond holes in the project targeting high- and moderate-grade copper and zinc domains.

Both holes struck near-surface zones of copper, zinc and lead in the form of semi-massive to massive sulphides, according to Anax.

Specifically, lab assays from one hole returned an 18-metre hit at 2.52 per cent copper, 7.22 per cent zinc, 0.69 per cent lead, 60 grams per tonne (g/t) silver and 0.83 g/t gold from 41 metres. This hit included a 12-metre zone at 3.63 per cent copper, 10 per cent zinc, 0.98 per cent cobalt, 86 g/t silver and 1.22 g/t gold.

Meanwhile, the second hole struck a 20-metre interval at 2.65 per cent copper, 11.3 per cent zinc and 0.99 per cent lead.

Anax Managing Director Geoff Laing said the results confirmed the Evelyn deposit could provide “considerable upside” to Whim Creek project outcomes.

“Metallurgical test work is well advanced and initial indications suggest that Evelyn ore will be highly compatible with the processing flow sheet currently being finalised for both the Mons Cupri and Whim Creek ore deposit,” Mr Laing said.

“It is envisaged that Evelyn ore will feed directly into the Whim Creek development scenario.”

As far as this project development goes, Anax said it remained on track to deliver its planned definitive feasibility study (DFS) for Whim Creek before the end of September this year.

The company plans to complete geotechnical and engineering studies to support the DFS in June.

Meanwhile, Anax has lodged a Works Approval application with the WA Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) for the project.

Anax owns 80 per cent of the Whim Creek project, with the remaining 20 per cent held by fellow ASX-listed Develop Global (DVP).

Shares in Anax Metals last traded at 8.4 cents on June 1.

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