
AR3 hits shallow, calcrete-hosted uranium at Overland, across 1km zone

ASX News, Materials
ASX:AR3      MCAP $13.03M
19 March 2025 10:14 (AEDT)
Uranium ore in a mine

Source: Adobe Stock

Australian Rare Earths Ltd (ASX:AR3) has discovered widespread uranium mineralisation close to surface at its Overland project in South Australia, based on results from follow-up drilling of a hole which had presented anomalous gamma and pXRF (U) readings in shallow
carbonate-cemented sediments.

Th drilling conducted on hole OV047 showed an anomalous zone of mineralisation stretching across 6 metres in thickness, and more than 1 kilometre wide, open in all directions.

Early mineralogical assessments of drill cuttings from this hole show that mineralsation is calcrete-hosted, containing uranium in the secondary calcite cementation of both limestone and sandy sediments.

This confirms an additional uranium model, just as the data from this hole indicates a significant exploration target for AR3 to go after.

Managing director and CEO Travis Beinke said this result would boost expectations for the Overland project.

“AR3’s exploration team has delivered exceptional results with its 2025 drilling program,” he said.

“Confirming calcrete-hosted uranium, along with the previously identified ISR potential,
significantly enhances the strategic value of our 4,000 km² land holding.

“This discovery validates our exploration approach and demonstrates the latent potential of the Overland project.

“We’re just scratching the surface of what’s possible. We’ll continue drilling through April and keep the market informed of our progress.”

AR3 has been trading at 8 cents.

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