
Auric jumps 10% on maiden cash sales in Q3CY24 and firm guidance

ASX News, Materials
ASX:AWJ      MCAP $49.02M
05 July 2024 11:04 (AEDT)
A depiction of a gold cart miniaturised travelling on tracks in a cave like environment

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Auric Mining (ASX:AWJ) has announced it expects to make $3M in the three months to September with $2M in gold sales and another $1M repayment set to hit the coffers.

In the meantime, the company has sent off a milling notice to toll treat 150,000 tonnes of ore, set to begin late July on the 24th. The 6-7 week campaign will occur as regular deliveries back to the Greenfields mill and ROM Pad continue; already, some 75,000 tonnes of product sits on-site.

At Greenfields, the company is targeting 300Kt processed through the mill in the next eighteen months.

“We’ll bank $2 million this quarter, first proceeds to Auric from the 2024 mining of Jeffreys Find. It’s an early payment from our JV partners, reinforcing to us that we’re in for a great year at Auric,” company MD Mark English said.

“With another $1 million coming back from our earlier working capital contribution to Stage 2 at Jeffreys Find, we find ourselves in a robust position.”

The company’s JV partner is Kalgoorlie-based BML Ventures which takes the ore to the Greenfields mill. BML is the entity to pay Auric back $1M.

“We are exceeding our targets and with the gold price holding around $AUD3,500 an ounce the timing is perfect. Jeffreys Find will be a substantial cash producer for Auric in 2024 and 2025,” English added.

AWJ last traded at 22cps.

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