
Barton Gold reveals Tarcoola Goldfield’s detailed architecture after 130 years

ASX News, Materials
ASX:BGD      MCAP $54.66M
28 November 2023 11:08 (AEST)

Source: Shutterstock

Barton Gold (ASX:BGD) has unveiled the detailed structural architecture of its Tarcoola gold project following a seismic survey carried out in August 2023.

The survey, conducted by HiSeis using advanced techniques, mapped several previously untested structures across the historical Tarcoola Goldfield.

“We are excited to see the Tarcoola Goldfield’s detailed architecture for the first time since its discovery 130 years ago,” BGD Managing Director Alex Scanlon said.

“With little modern exploration and a history of high-grade production from over 600 shallow historical workings, the potential for exciting new discoveries is significant.”

The seismic analysis revealed that gold mineralisation is closely associated with deeper-tapping sub-vertical structures, similar to the Perseverance Fault.

The Perseverance Mine operated in 2017 and 2018, with an average ore grade of approximately 3.8 grams per tonne of gold.

The latest analysis indicates a corridor of Perseverance Fault-like structures just west of the open pit.

Key observations from the new seismic survey suggest that gold tends to occur in association with early NE trending structures, in the footwall of NNE trending sinistral basin faults, and in the footwall of later NW trending faults.

Barton Gold aims to drill test the highest-priority exploration targets in early 2024, leveraging these seismic analysis results in combination with other datasets.

The company had previously completed a high-definition reprocessing of historical seismic data in 2020, confirming the location and orientation of the Perseverance Fault and identifying major structures across the historical Tarcoola Goldfield.

BGD last traded at 24 cents.

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