
Bastion Minerals (ASX:BMO) launches first drilling program at Capote

ASX News, Materials
ASX:BMO      MCAP $3.378M
28 June 2022 17:12 (AEDT)

Diamond drill rig at Yayito, Capote Project Source: Bastion Minerals

Bastion Minerals (BMO) has launched its first diamond drilling program at the Capote Mining District in Chile.

Bastion Minerals is an exploration company focused on discovering high-grade precious and base metals deposits within the mineral-rich Atacama region of Chile.

Two diamond drill holes have been collared in the area, which are said to be targeting the sub-surface expression of outcropping gold-bearing veins at Yayito and Colo Colo.

Near term targets also include Filomena Vein, Paulino Vein, Resurgimiento and San Juan.

The 5000-metre drilling program has been testing shallow surface expression of multiple high grade gold vein systems, along with the potential for large-scale gold systems with extensive gold anomalism.

Bastion’s Executive Chairman, Ross Landles, said Bastion is very excited to have commenced the first ever drill program at the Capote gold project.

“The objective of this program is to identify the targets within the project most likely to provide minable widths and grades to focus future drilling,” Ross Landles said.

“Our sole focus is discovering multi-million-ounce gold deposits in locations with clear development pathways within the prolific Atacama mineral province.”

Assay results for these initial drill holes are expected within six weeks.

Bastion Minerals ended the day trading flat at 14 cents per share.

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