The flag of Argentina. Source: Adobe Stock
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Geological mapping completed at the Tambo South target of Belararox Ltd (ASX:BRX) ‘s Toro-Malambo-Tambo (TMT) base metals and porphyry project in Argentina has confirmed the presence of the play’s second porphyry system.

Tambo South was the last of four targets subjected to significant fieldwork exploration, from an overall twelve TMT targets identified as being prospective for epithermal and/or porphyry style mineralisation.

The geological mapping showed the target to comprise an intrusive complex of dacite and diorites, which suggest styles and zoning of overprinting hydrothermal alteration consistent with a porphyry system.

Tambo South also contains fractures, late-stage quartz veins, porphyry-style ‘B’-type quartz veins and ‘M’-type magnetite veinlets, and the mapping also indicated an area of interest for future exploration extending around 400 metres northwest by 250 metres northeast.

Managing Director Arvind Misra said the discovery was another milestone in Belararox’s exploration achievements in Argentina.

“We are pleased to announce the completion of geological mapping at Tambo South target in our TMT Project, confirming another significant porphyry system in addition to Malambo,” he said.

“This mapping and our extensive geochemical sampling program have identified an intrusive complex of dacite and diorites with characteristic porphyry features and alteration zones.

“We have identified a new surface exploration area extending 400 metres by 250 metres, and we look forward to integrating these findings with the soon-to-be-released assay results to further evaluate this promising target.”

In May, sampling work at Malambo picked up anomalous surface values of 2360 parts per million (0.24 percent) copper, 35 ppm silver, 1720 ppm molybdenum, 632 ppm zinc, and 467 ppm lead.

Belararox has been trading at 20 cents.

BRX by the numbers
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