
Brightstar Resources (ASX:BTR) announces more high-grade gold hits at Menzies, WA

From the Floor, Materials
ASX:BTR      MCAP $228.1M
08 August 2023 17:35 (AEDT)

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The 2nd annual Super PITch event at Digger & Dealers in Kalgoorlie provides mining companies five minutes to ‘pitch’ their company’s story to investors. 

Created by Discovery Capital Partners and Corporate Storytime, this year’s event is sponsored by The Market Herald and RSM Australia

Sonia Madigan:

There’s news out today from Brightstar Resources (BTR), which is a company present at the Kalgoorlie Super PITch event.

I’m joined by the Managing Director, Alex Rovira.

Alex, can you fill us in on the news today?

Alex Rovira:

I can indeed, so we released some drilling results out of Menzies, the Menzies gold project.

We had some fantastic high-grade hits at a deposit called the Spatial Deposit, we hit gold up to 16, 17 grams per tonne, which is historically mined at 30 grams per tonne in that little deposit.

So yeah, great high-grade results and more to come.

Sonia Madigan:

Now you’re based in Western Australia, can you tell us about the project and where it’s located?

Alex Rovira:

Yep, so we’ve got two project areas, the Menzies gold project and the Laverton gold project.

A great part of the world, all the resources on mining leases, and there’s great infrastructure in place in the eastern gold fields of WA, it’s a great part of the world to do business.

Sonia Madigan:

Now your share price is sitting quite low at the moment, how do you feel about where it’s at?

Alex Rovira:

Not great, but I think everyone would say that.

Look the market’s pretty tough out there, we’re very cognizant of that, but we’re doing everything that we can to ensure the business is set up correctly, doing the right exploration.

We’re doing a scoping study at the moment, so yeah, we’re doing everything to build a proper company.

Sonia Madigan:

Now you do have a booth here at the Diggers and Dealers, what are you hearing, what are you hoping to find from being part of this event?

Alex Rovira:

Some lithium. Seems to be the buzz, everyone’s talking about critical metals.

Alex Rovira:

Is that on the cards?

Alex Rovira:

Not really, we’re a gold company, we’re a gold developer.

Look, yeah, it is difficult for gold equities at the moment, but as I said, we’ve got a proper business case to build a company on, so we’re just doing our jobs.

Sonia Madigan:

Alright, so I’m going to give you one minute to pitch your company to our audience.

Alex Rovira:

Okay, so Brightstar Resources, we’ve got a million ounces on granted mining leases in WA.

We’ve got a scoping study underway.

Importantly, we do have processing infrastructure that we own that’s on care and maintenance, so we are a low capital restart redevelopment opportunity.

There’s nothing else like it on the ASX, so we think we could be really one of the next gold producers on the ASX.

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