- Bryah Resources (BYH) has made a new nickel-copper-cobalt discovery at its Mount Labouchere prospect
- Mount Labouchere is located within Bryah’s namesake project in central WA
- In May, the company completed 16 shallow reverse circulation holes at the prospect
- Further analysis of the samples led to results grading up to 0.22 per cent nickel, 0.38 per cent copper and 0.28 per cent cobalt
- Additionally, up to 59 parts per billion gold and 470 parts per billion silver was recorded
- Bryah has just completed a soil sampling program and results are expected some time next month
- Company shares have dropped a slight 1.92 per cent and are trading for 5.1 cents
Bryah Resources (BYH) has made a new nickel-copper-cobalt discovery from recent reverse circulation (RC) drilling at its Mount Labouchere prospect.
Mount Labouchere is located within Bryah’s namesake project which sits 150 kilometres north of Meekatharra, central Western Australia.
In May, Bryah completed 16 shallow RC holes at the Mount Labouchere prospect. This fell under the company’s planned manganese exploration activities as part of its joint venture with OM Manganese. The joint venture, however, only applies to manganese which means Bryah retains 100 per cent of all other minerals.
Sampled assays revealed copper and cobalt anomalism which led to further investigation.
Bryah has since completed further analysis of the samples from all drill holes. Pleasingly, this has confirmed the presence of nickel, copper and cobalt mineralisation in several holes.
Best results include 10 metres at 0.13 per cent nickel, 0.21 per cent copper and 0.17 per cent cobalt including four metres at 0.22 per cent nickel, 0.38 per cent copper and 0.28 per cent cobalt, and five metres at 0.24 per cent copper, 0.20 per cent cobalt and 0.12 per cent nickel.
“This prospect area was drilled to test for manganese that occurs at surface. Generally, only low-grade manganese mineralisation was intersected in the drilling. However, the nickel-copper-cobalt assay results are considered highly significant, as they appear in several drill holes with the low-grade manganese,” Managing Director Neil Marston said.
Additionally, assay results have identified gold and silver anomalism with grades of up tp 59 parts per billion (ppb) gold and 470ppb silver.
Bryah has conducted an orientation soil sampling survey to establish the extent of the anomaly before further exploration. The samples are currently being analysed at a lab and results are expected next month.
Company shares have dropped a slight 1.92 per cent and are trading for 5.1 cents at 12:55 pm AEST.