
Chalice Gold Mines (ASX:CHN) confirms modelling with further Julimar intersects

ASX:CHN      MCAP $367.6M
20 April 2020 10:45 (AEST)
Chalice Mining (ASX:CHN) - Managing Director, Alex Dorsch

Source: Hot Copper

Chalice Gold Mines’ (CHN) second diamond drill has further confirmed geological modelling of the Gonneville intrusive at Julimar. This Nickel-Copper-PGE Project is located 70 kilometres northeast of Perth in Western Australia.

The discovery hole JD002 was drilled as a scissor hole to the first diamond drill hole, JD001, and intersected the same high-grade nickel-copper-platinum group element zone.

JD002 was drilled on a low angle with the objective of interpreting the dip of the mineralised zone and, hence, to confirm the accuracy of DHEM modelling and the geological interpretation.

The diamond drill hole intersected massive and matrix sulphides, thus confirming the mineralised zone is extensive and dipping steeply to the west.

Assay results for the first two diamond drill holes are pending. Geological logging of JD001, however, has already been completed.

The diamond drill rig will continue testing DHEM targets Julimar, while reverse circulation drilling at the project will continue to step-out around known zones of mineralisation.

Shares in Chalice Gold are yet to trade this morning but last closed at $1.23 per share.

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