
Clean TeQ Water (ASX:CNQ) subsidiary, NematiQ’s CEO David Menzies on Graphene Membranes and initial sales

Capital Compass, The Market Herald Boardroom
ASX:CNQ      MCAP $15.53M
02 June 2023 13:14 (AEDT)

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Water security is a growing problem globally, which NematiQ a wholly owned subsidiary of ASX listed Clean TeQ Water is aiming to tackle using its unique filtration technology. To discuss how this works, I’m joined by NematiQ’s Chief Executive Officer, David Menzies. Welcome, David.


Thank you.


So David, first of all, tell us about NematiQ?


“NematiQ’s, a 100 percent owned subsidiary of Clean TeQ Water, asx code CNQ. The technology came out of research from Monash University, which was targeted at applications for graphene in various applications, and this one was the water filtration. The technology itself is useful for solving issues in drinking water and wastewater applications, and that’s important because the world’s going through global scarcity of water.”


Can you explain a little bit more about the technology itself? What are graphene membranes?


“Membranes themselves are made from polymers. They are used for water treatment and wastewater treatment globally. They suffer from fouling and high energy use. What we’ve done with our patent technology is to use graphene as the selective layer, which has an anti fouling property and can operate under low energy requirement.”


Is the technology commercially ready?


“In terms of manufacturing readiness? We’ve been able to manufacture our products at industrial scale, and as you can see next to me here, we’ve made modules that are of standard industrial sizes, which can be deployed to solve global problems. In terms of commercial readiness, we have started to make initial sales. We’ve done that through extensive laboratory testing and piloting with customers, and that has led to those sales outcomes. One of the customers called Water Source Australia is based here in Australia and they make a drinking water cabinet. They’ve selected our graphene membrane to be part of their solution with Schreurs & Sons, who we did extensive piloting with six months ago at their celery and leek Farm. We did some wastewater recycling work. They’ve been very impressed with the results and we’re working with them on how to deploy that solution with them currently.”


David, where does NematiQ go from here?


“FY 24 is our education year. What we’re going to be doing is working with the value chain partners, the system integrators, to build the brand awareness of our product so that our products can get out there to create positive impact and revenue for our business.”

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