
Conico (ASX:CNJ) completes diamond drilling at Ryberg

ASX News, Materials
ASX:CNJ      MCAP $1.662M
15 September 2022 10:43 (AEDT)

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Conico (CNJ) has completed diamond drilling at its Ryberg project in Greenland.

The program targeted copper-nickel-gold-platinum group element mineralisation at the Miki, Sortekap, Cascata and Pyramid prospects.

Five out of six holes completed at the Miki prospect intersected disseminated sulphide mineralisation with 17.7 metres of disseminated sulphides found in hole MIDD011 and 32.6 metres intersected in MIDD013.

Drill core samples have been collected and will be sent to an Ireland-based lab for assaying.

Two of the three holes completed at Sortekap intersected disseminated sulphide mineralisation within a mafic dyke, including 15.8 metres of disseminated sulphides from 260.4 metres.

Conico also drilled one scout hole each at the Cascata and Pyramid prospects, however, the Pyramid hole was abandoned due to poor ground conditions.

The Cascata hole reportedly encountered a gabbroic body from 369 metres to the end of the hole at 416.5 metres. Forty eight samples from this prospect will be shipped for analysis to test the gabbroic intrusion.

Conico expects to receive first assays from this program within one to two weeks which will come from the Sortekap and Cascata prospects.

CNJ shares were trading grey at 4.2 cents at 10:43 am AEST.

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