Big Hill historical open cut mine. Source: Cooper Metals
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  • Cooper Metals (CPM) has received new results which it says further highlight the copper-gold potential of the Mt Isa East project in Queensland
  • The company collected 42 rock chip samples from the northeast and southwest areas with latest results coming from the southwest portion of the project
  • Copper grades peaked at 9.71 and 15.75 per cent, with strong silver values of 76.4g/t silver and anomalous gold
  • Cooper Metals says the results reaffirms its strong belief in the project’s potential and will follow up with additional field work
  • Company shares have ended the day 2.78 per cent in the green at 18.5 cents

Cooper Metals (CPM) has released the last batch of results from rock chip geochemical sampling at the Mt Isa East project in Queensland.

The company collected 42 rock chip samples from historical workings and selected outcrops which contained visible copper mineralisation.

The samples were collected from the northeast and southwest areas of the project with the new results coming from the southwest area.

The southwest area includes multiple copper-gold prospects, including Mount Mavis, and the Blue Mantle, Wonder and Big Hill mines.

Four samples were taken from the Wonder mine with assays of up to 15.75 per cent copper, 0.25 grams of gold per tonne (g/t) and 8.4g/t silver.

Peak grades from the Mount Mavis prospect included 9.71 per cent copper and 76.4g/t silver and assays from Blue Mantle came in at 10.95 per cent copper, 0.26g/t gold and 2.8g/t silver.

Lastly, a single sample was taken from the Big Hill prospect, which has the largest mine workings on the tenement. Best assays include 2.23 per cent copper, 0.09g/t gold and 2.2g/t silver.

The company also confirmed significant historical workings at Big Hill with a 140-metre long open pit development.

Managing Director Ian Warland said the results reaffirms CPM’s belief in the potential for the Mt Isa East project to host new copper-gold discoveries.

“Evidence of fresh sulphide rich rocks at some of the historical mines, containing visible chalcopyrite and pyrite is encouraging evidence for the presence of potentially significant primary mineralisation under the supergene ore and the added confidence that modern geophysics should provide an excellent tool for optimising drill targets,” he said.

Cooper Metals is planning additional field activities such as geophysics and geochemistry to better define drill targets at the projects.

Company shares ended the day 2.78 per cent in the green at 18.5 cents.

CPM by the numbers
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