- Cooper Metals (CPM) has received assay results from follow-up reconnaissance rock chip geochemical sampling
- Results from several prospects including King Solomon, Yarraman and Python demonstrate wide-spread copper and gold mineralisation
- A high-powered electromagnetic survey is currently underway at Python, designed to delineate any sulphide conductors for drill testing
- The company is planning to move into less explored areas of the prospective Mary Kathleen domain with an airborne electromagnetic survey to start after the wet season
- Shares were up 20.7 per cent to 55.5 cents
Cooper Metals (CPM) has received assay results from follow-up reconnaissance rock chip geochemical sampling during a recent field trip to its Mount Isa East Project in northwest Queensland.
An additional 18 rock chip samples were collected from historical workings and selected outcrops, containing visual evidence of copper mineralisation or appearing gossanous in nature.
The project area covers part of the Mary Kathleen domain within the Mount Isa Inlier, which also hosts Carnaby Resources’ (CNB) Nil Desperandum and Lady Fanny prospects.
The reconnaissance field trip focussed on the northeast portion of the project.
Following Cooper’s first reconnaissance geochemistry programme, which yielded samples containing up to 35.3 per cent copper from the Python prospect, data from follow-up sampling at various prospects, including Python, King Solomon, Yarraman, and Prince Albert Trend, have been obtained.
King Solomon
Infill rock chip sampling along the 1.5-kilometre copper-mineralised trend at King Solomon returned up to 9.85 per cent copper and 2.58 grams of gold per tonne, indicating higher gold potential than previously envisaged.
Cooper Metals Managing Director, Ian Warland said the highest gold result at King Solomon to date of 2.58 grams of gold per tonne highlights the strong gold potential of the prospect which was mainly exploited by historical miners for copper mineralisation.
Yarraman historical copper in soil anomaly extends for 400 metres centred on old workings, with cooper rock chip samples up to 3.31 per cent copper returned from the historical shaft.
Rock chip samples up to 20.2 per cent copper from gossanous outcrop 640 metres southeast of Yarraman workings indicates the broader potential of the area.
Further old workings found at the Python prospect extends known mineralisation with 8.53 per cent copper and 0.11 grams of gold per tonne returned from rock chip samples near the historical mine shaft.
A high-powered electromagnetic survey is currently underway at Python, designed to aid interpretation of the mineralisation in three dimensions and delineate preliminary drill targets.
Mr Warland said he is pleased with the company’s progress at assessing copper-gold occurrences and targets to date.
“The company is planning to move into less explored areas of the prospective Mary Kathleen Domain with an airborne electromagnetic survey to start after the wet season,” he said.
Shares were up 20.7 per cent to 55.5 cents per share.