
Copper and zinc zone prove exciting news for Surefire close to WA’s Yidby

ASX News, Materials
ASX:SRN      MCAP $11.91M
05 September 2024 13:08 (AEST)
Image of copper and zinc pieces.

Source: Adobe Stock

Surefire Resources NL (ASX:SNL) has discovered a large zone of copper and zinc mineralisation east of its Yidby Gold Project in Western Australia, through soil sampling work which showed anomalous assays across a 5 by 2 kilometre zone.

The soil samples have now been assessed in a laboratory, and show grades of up to 1000 parts per million (ppm) nickel, 310 ppm copper, 100 ppm zinc, 100 ppm cobalt, and 452 ppm sulphur.

Excitingly, many of the assays revealed grades of more than 200 ppm copper.

Exploration picked up some other key finds, including a rock sample – taken from a gossan – which was enriched with grades of 270 ppm nickel, 460 ppm copper, 200 ppm zinc and 100 ppm cobalt.

Finally, gold and sulphides were also identified in Banded Iron Formation during the exploration work, with this being adjacent to the soil sampling area.

What Surefire has found here is enhanced by the knowledge that only 30 kilometres to the northwest is 29Metals’ Golden Grove deposit – identified as a Volcanogenic Hosted Massive Sulphide (VHMS) system which holds a similar geological setting to the one found here.

Previous exploration samples from this zone near Yidby have yielded assays of up to 101 ppm gold.

Surefire shares are trading higher on the news. At 12:56 AEST, they were trading at 0.7 cents – a rise of 16.67% since the market opened.

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