
Critical Resources (ASX:CRR) kicks off spring exploration program at Mavis Lake, Canada

ASX News, Materials
ASX:CRR      MCAP $19.58M
18 May 2023 11:31 (AEST)

Field team sampling the Gullwing Lake Pegmatite Source: Critical Resources

Critical Resources (CRR) has kicked off an exploration program at the Gullwing-Tot prospects within its Mavis Lake lithium project in Ontario, Canada.

The company’s field teams have begun geological mapping of outcrops and bedrock sampling of the prospects, located in the north-eastern portion of Mavis Lake.

CRR believes the area has demonstrated “clear scale potential,” with more than eight kilometres of pegmatite clusters along the Gullwing Lake-Tot Lake LCT outcrops.

“This is our first chance to get on the ground at Gullwing-Tot and deploy field teams. Now the snow has melted, the immediate size and scale potential is clear,” CRR Managing Director Alex Cheeseman said.

Following this, the company will validate historical mapping and sampling to identify priority targets for its summer drilling campaign.

“Drill-ready targets at Gullwing-Tot have already been identified and we expect many more during the spring program,” Mr Cheeseman added.

“In parallel, infill and extension drilling continues at the Mavis Lake Main Zone, following the recent release our maiden resource estimate.”

Critical Resources believes the results of its spring program will help shape future exploration, which could include geophysical surveys, mechanical stripping and diamond drilling.

Shares in CRR last traded at 4.5 cents.

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