
Energy Transition Minerals (ASX:ETM) identifies areas of lithium prospectivity at Villasrubias, Spain

ASX News, Materials
ASX:ETM      MCAP $100.7M
13 January 2023 13:49 (AEDT)

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Energy Transition Minerals (ETM) has identified several areas of lithium prospectivity at the Villasrubias lithium project in Spain through an aeromagnetic survey.

The company said the two zones showed contrasting geophysical character and highlighted prospective trends, and will now be targeted in an upcoming drill campaign, slated for January 2023.

This will consist of ten holes with depths ranging between 100 to 200 metres.

The aeromagnetic survey had been targeting an area of historic aplite and pegmatite mining, and where ETM identified lithium, tin, niobium and tantalum.

The company said the two zones (zone A and B) correspond to the lithologically and geochemically differentiated blocks, the pegmatite source (two mica granite) and the host rock of the pegmatite dykes that are metasediments (graywacke and shales).

“The work underway at our Villasrubias project in Spain is highlighting the potential for a significant lithium discovery, a key metal for the energy transition,” said ETM Managing Director, Daniel Mamadou.

“The next stage of exploration includes drilling, which will enable us to test the prospective bodies defined by geophysics and hopefully lead us to a discovery.

“Given the looming deficit of lithium in the supply chain, European production has a critical role to play in closing the gap between supply and demand.”

ETM shares were last trading at 5.6 cents at 1:40 pm AEDT.

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