
Frontier Energy (ASX:FHE) secures debt financing for Waroona

ASX News, Mining
ASX:FHE      MCAP $118.1M
24 July 2024 15:44 (AEST)

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In this interview, CEO Adam Kiley, discusses Frontier Energy securing debt financing for its Renewable Energy Project, in Waroona, Western Australia. Adam discusses the successful arrangement of up to $215 million in debt financing, which covers 70% of the project’s funding needs. He highlights the favourable terms, including a low-interest rate and a 15-year loan term, with an additional two years for construction. He expresses optimism about the project’s future growth, mentioning plans for expansion in subsequent stages to support the state’s decarbonization goals. The interview concludes with a brief mention of Frontier Energy’s long-term plans to grow the project and its significance for the region.

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