
Haranga Resources inks new uranium anomaly targets in Senegal

ASX News, Materials
ASX:HAR      MCAP $3.742M
23 February 2024 10:47 (AEDT)

Source: Adobe Stock

Preceding an auger drill run, Senegal-based ASX uranium explorer microcap Haranga Resources (ASX:HAR) has inked new anomaly targets prospective for potential uranium mineralisation.

The company has formally inked a new target of interest on its logs at the Saraya-East infill grid.

An auger rig will soon be sniffing out the find.

The company often self-promotes its utilisation of a rare but not entirely unheard-of technique using termite mounds to determine if there’s anything worth exploring for nearby.

The bugs bring dirt from underground up to the surface on their own right.

Based on further termite mound analysis the company reported on Friday inking more targets north of Kondokho which lies to the north of its Saraya permit.

The company noted auger drilling remains ongoing at Mandankoly and a second target called Sanela will be what geotechs turn attention toward thereafter.

“It is a busy time for the field crews and it is pleasing to see that positive results are being realised,” Haranga Managing Director Peter Batten said.

“Of the six auger drill targets defined, three targets have been tested, with two producing RC drill targets (Sanela1 and Mandankoly2) and three remain untested.

“The RC rig is drilling at the Saraya deposit (16.1Mlbs @ 587ppm U3O8)3 and will move to test the auger drill anomaly at Mandankoly following completion of the short program at Saraya.”

HAR shares last traded at 16 cents.

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