
Investing in North American stocks just got easier

ASX News, Investor Series, The Expert Exchange
ASX:IRE      MCAP $1.744B
31 October 2024 18:24 (AEDT)

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Investors can trade in North American equities from here in Australia more easily than ever before.

There are new platforms being developed to streamline processes and make investment simpler for fund managers.

One of these is by global investment bank, Canaccord Genuity. Canaccord has a dedicated offshore sales team platforming North American equities to Australian Institutional clients, with team members including Kasey Connick based in Sydney, and Matthew Smith in Toronto, providing 24-hour coverage.

It means Canaccord can connect Australian fund managers with their Toronto-based trading team for direct market access during the North American trading session.

And Canaccord’s worked with Iress (ASX:IRE) to streamline the order-placing process through Iress’s global fix hub.

Why Australians may seek more exposure to North American stocks…

In this interview, Canadian Securities Exchange director of listing development, Anna Serin, talks about why Australian investors may look to increase exposure to Canadian and North American company shares.

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