
Keytone Dairy (ASX:KTD) secures Tonik Plant at Coles (ASX:COL), launches new Immunity Booster

Consumer Discretionary
17 August 2020 14:00 (AEST)
Halo Food Co (ASX:HLF) - CEO, Danny Rotman

Source: Keytone Dairy

Keytone Dairy (KTD) has secured national ranging for its vegan protein shake, Tonik Plant, in Coles (COL) supermarkets and lanched a new Immunity Booster.

Tonik Plant ranging in Coles

Two weeks after launching Tonik Plant, Keytone secured the product at Coles supermarkets.

Coles saw potential in Australia’s first high protein vegan and plant-based ready-to-drink protein shake.

Tonik Plant is expected to be available in Coles stores from early November.

Tonik Plant
Source: Keytone Dairy

The Coles range is in addition to the previous distribution agreements with independent supermarkets, Ritchies IGA Group and Romeos IGA Group, Anytime Fitness and Snap Fitness.

CEO Danny Rotman is overwhelmed with the initial response to Tonik Plant.

“Achieving ranging with Coles in less than two weeks from launch is a major achievement and milestone for the company and accelerates the performance of our branded product portfolio,” he said.

“Furthermore, it is a very promising sign for the success of Tonik Plant and the Tonik brand,” he added.

Launch of Immunity Booster powder

Due to the in-market demand from China and Southeast Asia due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Keytone has developed and launched a premium dairy-based functional Immunity Booster powder.

Significantly, there has been a high interest in immune strengthening supplements due to the pandemic.

“The global immune health supplements market is expected to record high growth following the ongoing health pandemic,” the company said.

Source: Keytone Dairy

In China, the dietary supplements market is expected to reach US$22.3 billion (around A$31 billion) in 2020., China’s eCommerce giant, has stated that the sale of vitamins and supplements has soared by more than five times since the beginning of COVID-19.

Keytone will commence production of the Immunity Booster immediately and will ship it to the China and Southeast Asia market.

The Immunity Booster powder is a functional dairy-based powder high in colostrum, probiotics, vitamins B and C and zinc. It is a daily supplement used to boost day-to-day immunity. When taken daily, each tin will last the consumer around one month.

“To this end, the launch of KeyDairy Immunity Booster powder is an exciting development in direct response to market feedback from our network and clients globally,” Danny told the market.

“In a time with a heightened focus on health and immunity for consumers, KeyDairy Immunity Booster is the perfect premium addition to our KeyDairy branded powders aimed at one of our core markets, China,” he added.

On the market this afternoon, Keytone is up 5.32 per cent and is trading for 24.8 cents per share at 1:19 pm AEST.

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