
MetalsTech (ASX:MTC) intersects 71.5 metres of mineralisation in Slovakia

ASX:MTC      MCAP $27.65M
08 December 2020 13:00 (AEDT)

MetalsTech (MTC) has intersected continuous high-grade mineralisation at the Sturec Gold Mine in Slovakia.

Sturec lies 17 kilometres west of Branska Bystrica in central Slovakia and has a JORC 2012 resource of 21.2 million tonnes of 1.5g/t gold and 11.6g/t silver containing 1.026 million ounces of gold and 7.94 million ounces of silver.

To date, seven diamond drill holes have been completed with aims to test southern extensions to the high-grade mineralisation zone within the Sturec mineral resource.


Hole UGA-06 was drilled to a depth of 116.5 metres with aims to confirm the continuity of the mineralised zone between UGA-04 and the mineral resource boundary.

It intersected 71.5 metres of quartz filled vein structures from 33 metres to 104.5 metres.

Results include one metre at 77.7g/t gold and 120g/t silver from 98 metres, and four metres at 22.81g/t gold and 37.4g/t silver from 98 metres.

These results are interpreted to show a continuous mineralised zone from 33 metres to 103 metres.


Hole UGA-07 was drilled to a depth of 130 metres and was designed to intersect the mineralised zone 30 metres down-dip from UGA-06.


Drilling at hole UGA-08 is currently underway with work aiming to intersect the mineralised zone 30 metres down-dip from UGA-04.

“We have continued to hit thick continuous zones of high grade gold mineralisation as we continue to step out from the existing one million ounce resource at Sturec,” Chairman Russell Moran commented.

“We have demonstrated excellent growth potential along strike where the mineralisation continues to be open in all directions,” he said.

“The next set of holes has been designed to test the down dip extension which will provide us a better understanding of just how quickly this resource could scale up,” he added.

MetalsTech is up a healthy 12.2 per cent and shares are trading at 23 cents at 12:20 pm AEDT.

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