
Middle Island Resources (ASX:MDI) completes IP survey at Crosswinds

ASX News, Mining
ASX:MDI      MCAP $3.823M
10 January 2022 11:38 (AEDT)
Middle Island Resources (ASX:MDI) - Non Executive Chairman, Peter Thomas

Source: Middle Island Resources

Middle Island Resources (MDI) has completed a 2.65-kilometre induced polarisation (IP) survey over its Crosswinds copper prospect.

The Crosswinds prospect is part of the Barkly Super Project, which lies in the Barkly region of the Northern Territory.

The survey was completed by Planetary Geophysics, which took three days in December to complete the work.

The surface copper mineralisation identified is thought to reflect the secondary migration of copper along faults that extend from primary mineralisation within the basement rocks.

It is believed the IP survey outlined a chargeable target starting at a depth of 500 metres, representing a target for massive and dispersed sulphides.

Further IP lines have been planned for early this year to enable 3D targeting for upcoming drilling programs.

“The early-stage IP results are very encouraging for this very exciting new region. The anomalies defined are coincident with the geological model defined by MDI,” Executive Director Brad Marwood said.

“Additional IP lines will be undertaken north and south of Crosswinds in early 2022 to allow 3D modelling and allow targeted drilling to be completed.

“MDI has identified a preferred drilling contractor and proposals are in place to commence drilling in May 2022.”

Shares in Middle Island Resources were up 9.09 per cent on the market and were trading at $0.12 each as of 11:37 am AEDT.

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