
Mineral Commodities renews existing Mining Rights at Tormin

ASX:MRC      MCAP $25.59M
13 September 2019 00:44 (AEST)

Mineral Commodities’ South African subsidiary, Mineral Sands Resources has received two Mining Right Renewals, allowing it to continue operations at Tormin Mineral Sands.

The Mining Right Renewals will be issued by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy in South Africa and allow continued operations for an additional 10 years.

“The renewal of our existing Tormin Mining Rights is a significant milestone which gives the company security of tenure and is the cornerstone of the company’s expanded Mining Right strategy,” Executive Chairman Mark Caruso said.

The Tormin Mineral Sands Operation is located on South Africa’s west coast, approximately 400 kilometres north of Cape Town.

Mineral Commodities has operated at Tormin since late 2013. It has become a globally significant producer of garnet, ilmenite, zircon and non-magnetic concentrates which predominantly export into the Asia and U.S. markets.

Since operations commenced at Tormin, the company has mined over 10.7 million tonnes. The tonnage mined is 296 per cent more than the original declared resource tonnage of 2.7 million tonnes. This indicates a significant replenishment dynamic of the placer beach resource, where resource blocks can be mined more than once a year.

Tormin is a world-class placer beach mineral sands deposit.

The granting of the extended mining rights allows Mineral Commodities to reach and maintain its overall goal of sustaining long term mining operations and downstream processing at Tormin.

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