
MinRex Resources (ASX:MRR) begins maiden RC drilling at Tambourah North

ASX News, Materials
ASX:MRR      MCAP $7.594M
13 December 2022 15:01 (AEDT)

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MinRex Resources (MRR) has commenced its maiden reverse circulation (RC) drilling at the Tambourah North project in Western Australia.

The company has planned 10 to 12 RC holes totalling approximately 1540 metres, targeting Zone 1. This area mainly consists of spodumene-rich pegmatites hosted within the Apex Basalt.

Commenting on the Tambourah drilling, Managing Director George Karageorge said the project has become a “lithium hotspot”, with other companies launching maiden drilling programs.

“We are excited to have commenced drilling over the Tambourah North lithium project as part of the last drilling program for 2022.”

Concurrently, MinRex has completed its first pass RC drill program over the Talga-North Moolyella project in WA. That program consisted of 39 RC holes totalling 2825 metres.

The drilling at Talga-North targeted the western, northern and eastern pegmatite zones which tested the stacked pegmatites outcropping over highly elevated lithium soil anomalies that have never been drill tested.

Drilling will also target an extensive surface area comprising outcropping stacked pegmatites over the three zones with the largest series of stacked pegmatites over an area of up to 1.3 kilometres in length by 390 metres in width.

Shares in MinRex were up 2.7 per cent and trading at 3.8 cents at 3:00 pm AEDT.

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