
Myer (ASX: MYR) CEO and Managing Director John King announces retirement

ASX News, Consumer Discretionary
ASX:MYR      MCAP $1.218B
05 June 2023 12:56 (AEDT)

Source: Reuters

Myer (MYR) has announced that CEO and Managing Director John King will retire from his role in the second half of 2024 after five years with the company.

Mr King established the company’s customer-first plan which focused on transforming customer experience, and also guided the company through the pandemic. He also re-established Myer as Australia’s sixth most trusted brand, per Roy Morgan.

“When I leave Myer next year, I will do so knowing that the business has a great team of people and a bright future,” he said.

“I am proud of what we have achieved so far with lots more to do, so it will be a busy year ahead.”

Myer Chair JoAnne Stephenson thanked Mr King for his “extraordinary” contribution to the company.

“In what will be more than six years at the end of his tenure, John will have delivered a remarkable turn-around in the positioning and performance of the business,” she said.

The company announced Mr King was returning to the United States to be with his family “as their health circumstances demand”.

Myer reported it would soon begin a thorough local and international search for Mr King’s replacement.

Myer was up 0.37 per cent and trading at 67.8 cents at 12:56 pm AEST.

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