
Navarre Minerals (ASX:NML) confirms continuous mineralisation at Mt Carlton

ASX News, Mining
ASX:NML      MCAP $28.55M
25 July 2022 14:28 (AEST)

Exploration work at the Mt Carlton project in Queensland. (2022) Source: Navarre Minerals

Navarre Minerals (NML) has confirmed the continuation of gold-silver and copper-rich mineralisation at its Mt Carlton United (MCU) project in North Queensland.

The most recent assays from an ongoing resource definition and exploration drilling program have returned up to 196 grams of gold per tonne (g/t), 1793 g/t silver and 6.8 per cent copper.

These results come from an additional 92 reverse circulation (RC) and 14 diamond core drill holes for 8989 metres of drilling.

It follows on from results announced in April for 71 drill holes which returned up to 22.9 g/t gold, 1327 g/t silver and 4.2 per cent copper.

While more work is planned, Navarre said it is likely the results to date will inform an updated mineral resource estimate for MCU.

This is expected to be published in the fourth quarter of this year along with updated mineral resources for the V2 and Telstra Hill deposits at MCU, and Crush Creek’s Delta and BV7 deposits.

Navarre Managing Director Ian Holland said the company is “extremely pleased with the latest batch of drilling results”.

“The ongoing resource definition drilling program has confirmed the continuity, tenor and width of the gold, silver and copper system of the Mt Carlton United deposit,” he said.

Company shares were up 6.25 per cent, trading at 5.1 cents each at 2:27 pm AEST.

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