
Nelson Resources (ASX:NES) launches first-ever drill program at Woodline

ASX:NES      MCAP $5.429M
21 December 2020 07:00 (AEDT)

Nelson Resources (NES) has begun a maiden diamond drilling program at its wholly owned Woodline Project in Western Australia.

The company intends to drill between 1,000 and 1,5000 metres by the end of January next year, focusing on the Grindall prospect, where a water bore was recently established to support the ongoing exploration work.

In addition to the drilling activities, Nelson Resources has recently completed a ground electromagnetic survey at Grindall, as well as the Redmill, Socrates and the newly identified Morris prospects.

The results have already been received for the Socrates region, which demonstrates the potential for a large scale gold system, while a positive response at the Morris nickel prospect is interpreted to be part of the Jimberlana Dyke.

The survey at the Morris target was based on an earlier review by the Western Mining Service, along with a map released by the Geological Survey of Western Australia. It identified a relatively weak but near-surface conductor, but encouraged Nelson Resources with rocks in the area likely to be oxidised or partly oxidised.

Final geophysical data is still to come for the Redmill and Grindall areas.

According to Friday’s release, Nelson Resources’ purchase of a diamond drill rig, associated vehicles and equipment has been an immediate success.

“The company is now able to operate its drilling programs in a flexible and nimble manner,” said Adam Schofield, Executive Director and CEO of Nelson Resources.

“The significant drilling cost savings to the company will allow for more drilling than previously planned at much lower costs than budgeted,” he added.

Shares in Nelson Resources were up 7.69 per cent at the close of trading on Friday to $0.07 per share.

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