
Nelson Resources (ASX:NES) to begin RC drilling at Woodline

ASX:NES      MCAP $5.429M
05 January 2021 14:00 (AEDT)
Nelson Resources (ASX:NES) - Non Executive Chairman, Warren Hallam

Source: Business News

Nelson Resources (NES) is set to begin a 6000-metre reverse circulation (RC) drilling program at the Woodline Project in WA.

This program has been designed to infill the current diamond drilling programs that are underway at the Grindall, Redmill and Socrates projects.

A second RC drilling rig has been acquired to enable Nelson to undertake drilling on a quicker timeframe.

This 6000-metre drill program is scheduled to begin in late January, following the current diamond drilling program.

“Nelson’s purchase of its second drilling rig and specifically an RC rig, is a significant step for the company given the high demand and inability to secure RC rigs in WA,” CEO and Executive Director Adam Schofield said.

“We are very excited about the planned RC program as it allows us to begin in earnest to test the large-scale potential of our gold targets,” he said.

“We now have the ability to undertake our drill programs as required and to optimise the drilling by choosing the style of drilling we conduct,” he added.


19 holes will be drilled at Grindall test a structural target that was identified via an electromagnetic (EM) survey.

Previous results include 12 metres at 0.76g/t gold including one metre at 9.14g/t gold, one metre at 2.08g/t gold, and one metre at 1.01g/t gold.


Seven RC holes, for 760 metres, have been planned for Redmill to also test a structural target that was identified via a previous EM survey.

Previous results include 10 metres at 1.29g/t gold, including one metre at 7.8g/t gold, five metres at 0.22g/t gold, and five metres at 0.21g/t gold.


42 holes will be drilled at the Socrates Project across the Socrates, West and East targets.


24 RC holes will be drilled at Socrates to test the northern and southern extensions to the existing mineralisation.

Previous drilling intercepted up to 142g/t gold and identified a strike length of roughly 370 metres.

West Socrates

14 RC holes have been planned for the West Socrates target to further test the strike and dip of mineralisation.

East Socrates

East Socrates is a relatively new target and four holes will be drilled to test it further.

Results from this drilling program are expected to be reported on in late February and early March.

Nelson is up 4.17 per cent on the market and shares are trading at 10 cents at 1:45 pm AEDT.

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