
New Age Exploration (ASX:NAE) drills RC series at Pilbara exploration site

ASX News, Mining
ASX:NAE      MCAP $7.175M
22 December 2021 13:52 (AEST)

RC drilling tests. Source: NAE

New Age Exploration (NAE) has completed a 1500-metre reverse circulation (RC) series at its central Pilbara gold tenements.

The company has since reported multiple high priority “Hemi-style” and structural gold targets for immediate drill testing across the project.

NAE’s RC drill series has so far completed 20 holes, for 1500 metres, of the planned 5000-metre programme.

NAE’s site sits nearby to De Grey Mining’s (DEG) 6.8 million ounce Hemi gold discovery within the Mallina project in Central Pilbara.

According to the announcement, the high priority targets are within the Brahman and Droughtmaster gold projects.

“We are very pleased to have completed the first 1500 metres of this current phase of drilling given the time of year. The focus was on numerous high priority ‘Hemi style’ and structural gold targets across our extensive central Pilbara projects which have never been previously tested and which warranted immediate drilling,” Executive Director Joshua Wellisch said.

“NAE controls one of the largest project portfolios in the highly prospective yet under-explored Central Pilbara region surrounding De Grey’s Mallina gold project and the recently discovered Hemi gold deposit.

“In collaboration with our consultants, we are continuously and aggressively refining our focus and prioritising targets utilising cutting edge, multi-disciplinary exploration techniques”.

New Age Exploration shares were up 10 per cent and are trading at 1.1 cents a share at 1:51 pm AEDT.

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