
OAR Resource (ASX:OAR) updates Gibraltar and Nevada projects, announces name change

ASX:OAR      MCAP $6.601M
24 December 2020 06:00 (AEDT)

Source: Oakdale Resources

OAR Resources (OAR), formerly Oakdale Resources, has provided an update to shareholders on several of its projects in Australia and the U.S.

Name change

Firstly however is the company’s name change to OAR Resources which was approved by shareholders on Tuesday’s annual general meeting.

The ASX code will remain the same at OAR.


The exploration company revealed all of the samples taken from its Gibraltar Halloysite-Kaolin Project have been sent off to a lab for analysis.

It comes after the project in South Australia was initially delayed by a COVID-19 outbreak, before field teams were able to resume their collection.

Results from the lab work are expected back in the next few weeks, including results on the brightness of the kaolin.

In addition to this, infill and extensional drilling will be carried out at the project in early 2021 after the company submits the necessary work approvals.


At Lambarson Canyon, base metal and spectral analysis results are expected to be received early next year after drilling was recently completed at the site.

All of the gold assay results from the same diamond drilling program have been received, with the results highlighting a zone of altered porphyritic rocks with quartz veins and disseminated sulphide mineralisation.

Finally, at Douglas Canyon, drilling is being planned to test outcropping high-grade gold and silver quartz veins within the deposit.

A total of 560 metres of drilling will be carried out, with drilling planned to get underway in the first half of 2021.

At the end of Wednesday, shares in OAR were trading flat at two cents each.

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