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  • Oar Resources (OAR) has made moves to expand its holding at the Denchi lithium project in WA’s Northern Goldfields with an application for five additional tenements
  • The tenements will add 784.3 square kilometres across 253 blocks, potentially expanding the existing project area by over 350 per cent to a total 1004.4 square kilometres
  • The applications follow field reconnaissance in early December 2022 which identified a number of potential lithium bearing pegmatites outcropping within granites previously mapped by the Geological Survey of Western Australia
  • Shares in Oar were last trading at 0.6 cents as of 2:10 pm AEDT

Oar Resources (OAR) has applied for five additional tenements surrounding its three already granted tenements at the Denchi lithium project in Western Australia’s Northern Goldfields.

The new tenements cover 784.3 square kilometres across 253 blocks, expanding the existing project area by over 350 per cent to a total 1004.4 square kilometres.

CEO Paul Stephen said the tenement applications will expand OAR’s project footprint considerably in “this highly prospective area” once granted.

“Following recent work by our field exploration team, our confidence is further buoyed in the prospectivity of the Denchi lithium project,” Mr Stephen said.

“The presence of several lithium bearing pegmatites within the existing project area has been previously confirmed and there are visual indications of numerous additional potential pegmatites and similar geology in the surrounding areas.”

The applications follow field reconnaissance in early December 2022 which identified a number of potential lithium bearing pegmatites outcropping within granites previously mapped by the Geological Survey of Western Australia.

Shares in Oar held steady at 0.6 cents as of 2:10 pm AEDT.

OAR by the numbers
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