
Ora Gold (ASX:OAU) reports “excellent” gold results at Kingswood & Transylvania prospects

ASX News, Mining
28 March 2022 18:11 (AEDT)

Garden Gully Project Source: Ora Gold

Ora Gold (OAU) has reported “excellent” gold results across three prospects at its Garden Gully gold project in Western Australia.

The recent air core drilling program completed 44 holes, for 2792 metres, across four prospects.

At the Transylvania prospect, 14 short and vertical drill holes were completed with most intersecting mineralised shear zones.

The best results from Transylvania were 26 metres at 2.3 grams per tonne (g/t) gold from 26 metres, including seven metres at 5.36g/t gold from 31 metres.

At the Kingswood prospect, 23 air core holes were completed, with several mineralisation styles encountered and most gold values being hosted by the competent felsic intrusive/tonalite.

The best results from the prospect were 15 metres at 1.97g/t gold from 51 metres including 13.8g/t gold from 45 metres.

At the Crown Prince East Gold prospect, six holes were drilled in a north-easterly direction with several narrow intervals of gold mineralisation intersected.

Finally, only one hole was drilled at the Lydia North prospect due to wet ground conditions. The remaining proposed holes have been postposed and will be completed in the next drill program.

Chairman Rick Crabb said the results show the continued potential for the project.

“We are very encouraged by these results as the majority of the gold intercepts are at shallow depth and mineralisation remains open with strong potential for open pit development,” he said.

“We are particularly excited about the company’s first drilling of the Kingswood Prospect within the Abernethy Shear Zone, which is a large seven kilometre long mineralised structure incorporating tonalite intrusive.”

Shares closed 14.29 per cent higher today at 1.6 cents each.

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