Perpetual Resources Ltd (ASX:PEC) has identified a fourth pegmatite trend through sampling at its Isabella project in Brazil’s Minas Gerais region, raising expectations that spodumene-lithium mineralisation will be found across the project, in addition to multiple anomalies across several parallel stacked pegmatites trends.
The key features of ‘Trend Four’ comprise artisanal workings extending along strike from a newly discovered pegmatite, with the latter found only 650 metres from Trend One – which contains grades of up to 6.8% Li₂O (lithium oxide) – and 300 metres from Trend Three, which has grades up to 0.9% Li₂O from weathered pegmatites.
An initial sampling program at Isabella yielded lithium grades of up to 6.8% Li₂O, indicating its high-grade nature, and with the discovery of Trend Four, Perpetual can say it has delineated four distinct mineralised corridors.
Regional interpretation has also indicated extensions of up to three kilometres are possible when extrapolated at both ends.
Perpetual has also been encouraged by the presence of other prospective projects in this territory, dubbed Brazil’s ‘lithium valley’, including Atlas Lithium’s Das Neves – which has uncovered an intersection of 1.47% Li₂O over 95.2 metres – and less than three kilometres from Sigma Lithium’s Sao Jose Project.
Next on the agenda will be a maiden drilling program planned for the first half of 2025, with approval received for this by the Minas Gerais Environmental Agency.
Perpetual shares are trading at 1.6 cents.
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