
Pivotal Metals unveils copper continuity at Quebec play Horden Lake

ASX News, Materials
ASX:PVT      MCAP $6.350M
16 May 2024 15:03 (AEDT)

Historical surface rock chip assays exhibited exceptional values of up to 20 per cent copper and 1540ppm silver. Source: Apollo

Pivotal Metals Ltd (ASX:PVT) has confirmed continuity of thick copper zones at its Horden Lake play in Quebec, with results from two further drill holes showing copper equivalent grades above 2 percent across 2-3 metres.

Crucially, this exploration work picked up levels of gold, silver, palladium, platinum and cobalt which had not been assayed from this section of the Horden Lake deposit during previous drilling campaigns.

In this round, intercepts from the first hole included 39.1 metres at 0.97% copper equivalent (0.4% copper, 0.17% nickel, 0.06 grams per tonne gold, 0.14 grams per tonne palladium), with this hole also extending wide zones of copper-rich mineralisation down plunge of a previously drilled hole.

Additional intercepts included 0.007 gram per tonne of palladium, 131 ppm cobalt and 4.7 grams per tonne of silver from 154.1 metres, including 19.7 metres at 1.41% copper equivalent from 163.6 metres.

Within this was an array of zones grading above 2% across 2-3 metres.

In the second hole, intercepts included 4.95 metres at 0.66% copper equivalent (0.23% copper, 0.12% nickel, 0.05 grams per tonne gold and 0.14 grams per tonne palladium).

Mineralisation continuity from a previously drilled hole was also shown here.

Pivotal’s managing director Ivan Fairhall said the drilling work both confirmed what was already known about the project, while also providing some exciting sniffs of precious and base metals.

“Horden Lake delivers further confirmation of the wide zones of mineralisation indicative
of the large, open-pittable copper project that has been defined on the project,” he said.

“The meaningful assays of palladium, gold, cobalt, platinum and silver, previously ignored,
further reinforce the upside potential of this asset.

“Logging and analysis continues, and we expect consistent news flow over the coming
months as we release assays and downhole geophysics interpretations to target both
grade and tonnage upside potential on the project.”

Pivotal Metals has been trading at 1.8 cents.

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