
Power Minerals (ASX:PNN) sees REEs for the first time at Eyre Peninsula

ASX News, Materials
ASX:PNN      MCAP $9.248M
18 August 2022 15:54 (AEST)

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Power Minerals (PNN) has uncovered multiple areas of rare earth elements (REEs) through drilling at its Eyre Peninsula kaolin project in South Australia.

The company completed the maiden drilling program in May. In addition to kaolin samples which were sent for analysis, Power also collected 53 samples from seven separate holes and sent them to be analysed for REEs.

This was aimed at determining whether elevated rare earth oxide concentrations were present in the clays drilled from different areas across the project.

Of these, 12 samples recorded a total rare earth oxide (TREO) concentration of more than 500 parts per million (ppm).

One hole returned a highlighted result of 1236 ppm TREO including three metres at 18 per cent heavy rare earth oxides from 32 metres.

Executive Director Mena Habib said the results confirm the existence of significant kaolin-related REE mineralisation within the drilled area.

“This is also the first time REE mineralisation has been reported within Power’s ground holding on the Eyre Peninsula,” he said.

Based on the initial success, Power Minerals is undertaking pXRF analysis of the one-metre samples from drilling and this work will identify further samples for lab testing.

Kaolin drill results are pending.

Company shares were trading up a slight 0.93 per cent to 54 cents just before market close.

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