
Ragnar Metals (ASX:RAG) completes IP survey at Tullsta

ASX News, Mining
ASX:RAG      MCAP $9.479M
17 May 2022 09:39 (AEDT)

Ragnar Metals (RAG) has completed a down hole induced polarisation and resistivity survey at its Tullsta nickel project in Sweden.

Key observations from the survey include the definition of a very large highly mineralised gabbroic body that extends to a vertical depth of about 550 metres and has a down-plunge strike of around 750 metres from the surface.

The survey also confirmed that the mineralisation is open, particularly at depth, and has additional lobes/chambers off to the side of the main fabric body that are additional target zones for sulphide mineralisation.

According to the company, the model matches with the gabbro host rock and significant nickel, copper and cobalt intersections in recently drilled holes.

“We are extremely excited by the results of this survey as the significantly
large gabbroic body it has identified coincides with our recent, outstanding Ni-Cu-Co intersections and provides valuable inputs for our updated geological model,” Executive Director Eddie King said.

“Importantly it has also confirmed the potential scale of mineralisation at Granmuren to be globally significant. With these results in hand and our enhanced understanding of
the geology, it paves the way for an incredibly exciting follow-up drilling campaign.”

Ragnar said planning is well advanced for follow-up drilling at Tullsta, which is expected to commence next month.

Ragnar Metals was up 13.5 per cent to 4.2 cents per share at 12.13 pm AEST.

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