
Resources Base (ASX:RBX) expands Murray Basin assets

ASX News, Mining
ASX:RBX      MCAP $4.261M
10 August 2022 16:35 (AEDT)

Resource Base (RBX) is set to hold the largest land position in the southern margin of the Murray Basin after expanding its footprint at the Mire Hill Project on the South Australia/ Victoria border.

The company has submitted five exploration licences applications totalling 1171 square kilometres that are considered to be prospective for clay hosted rare earth elements (REE).

Resource Base has also submitted one exploration licence application totalling 495 square kilometres in Victoria as part of the Black Range Project.

Currently, RBX has 27 tenements at the Murray Basin in western Victoria and one granted tenement in South Australia.

The area has been underexplored in modern times and little is known of its economic potential.

Resource Base said that similar granitic rocks host known tin and tungsten mineralisation elsewhere in Victoria and Tasmania.

“The company is targeting gold and critical metals associated with the granites and the overlying Murray Basin primarily for clay hosted REE mineralisation,” RBX said.

On the market, RBX shares were in the grey to close at 13 cents.

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