
Singaporean Olam’s bid to buyout Namoi Cotton raises ACCC alarms – lots of them

ASX News
ASX:NAM      MCAP $145.7M
20 June 2024 09:42 (AEST)

Cotton flowers on display. Source: Adobe Stock

Not long after throwing a spanner in the works of Chemist Warehouses’s reverse listing, the regulator has now taken issue with Namoi Cotton’s (ASX:NAM) proposed takeover.

Singapore-listed Olam had made a bid to buy ASX-listed Namoi Cotton, but the regulator made clear on Thursday it has concerns about the deal.

And it has a lot of concerns.

The first issue is that this isn’t Olam’s entrance into the Australian market – it’s already here, as Queensland Cotton (QC).

The company has a presence across the entire east domestic cotton supply chain, from harvesting to marketing.

The ACCC on Thursday revealed it is concerned that:

Talk about a small list of concerns.

Members of the public have until 4 July to respond to the regulator’s statement of issues.

NAM last traded at 70cps.

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