
Stavely Minerals (ASX:SVY) progresses resource definition drilling at Cayley Lode

ASX:SVY      MCAP $14.44M
22 December 2020 12:00 (AEDT)
Stavely Minerals (ASX:SVY) - Managing Director, Chris Cairns

Source: Sydney Mining Club

Stavely Minerals (SVY) is progressing resource definition drilling at Cayley Lode at the Thursday’s Gossan prospect, which is part of Stavely’s namesake project in Victoria.

The mineral resource drilling program is aimed at uncovering high-grade, near-surface copper-gold-silver mineralisation over a significant strike extent in the Cayley Lode. This would complement Thursday’s Gossan’s existing inferred mineral resource of 28 million tonnes at 0.4 per cent copper.

The company is focused on extending the Cayley Lode discovery zone, which now spans 1.5 kilometres, to the northwest. However, it plans to begin extending the mineral resource definition drilling to the southeast early next year.

Pleasingly, new results have been received from hole SMD108 which include 21.7 metres at 2.06 per cent copper, 0.53g/t gold and 17g/t silver from 150.9 metres downhole, including 6.3 metres at 3.57 per cent copper, 1.17 gold and 25g/t silver from 164.9 metres.

While the company is highly pleased with these results, the SMD108 section needs at least one more hole to define the mineralisation below surface for the initial mineral resource estimate.

Additionally, drill hole SMD100 intersected strong mineralisation below the Low-Angle Structure (LAS) including 8.8 metres at 1.57 per cent copper, 0.24g/t gold and 4.5g/t silver from 332.2 metres downhole.

“The current crop of drill results outlined in this release are from the central portion of the Mineral Resource definition area and continue to add to the body of results in that sector,” Executive Chairman Chris Cairns said.

“This year has been fantastic but next year is when we begin to test the real long-term potential of the very large mineralised system at Thursday’s Gossan as well as additional targets in the region. We are looking forward to an exciting journey!” Chris said.

Stavely will continue drilling in the new year which will continue extending the Cayley Lode mineralisation to the northwest and then the southeast.

Stavely is down 6.9 per cent and trading at 81 cents at 11:27 am AEDT.

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