
Stock watchers charged up by Winsome Resources’ latest lithium drilling results

ASX News, Materials
ASX:WR1      MCAP $68.29M
19 August 2024 09:55 (AEDT)
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Winsome Resources (ASX:WR1) has revealed its latest drill results with shareholders watching the stock on HotCopper largely pleased with the numbers.

Testing for mineralisation outside the boundary envelope informing its Mineral Resource Estimate, Winsome has hit multiple lithium intercepts at varying depths.

Highlighted on Monday were the following results across the targets Adina SW, Adina East and a prospect called Ridge:

Meanwhile, the company continues to hit near surface lithium at its Main Zone target and the Footwall Zone within the company’s MRE was also plugged recently; drillers also found intercepts at that area of interest.

“These new drilling results from Adina demonstrate the shallow, high-grade mineralisation extending along the entire strike length from the west of Adina, in the Ridge area and Adina SW, through Adina Main to Adina East and remains open to the east,” Winsome MD Chris Evans said.

“Drilling at Adina is now refocussing to test the continuity and grade of mineralisation outside the current MRE, along the 3.1km of mineralisation defined in drilling to date at Adina, in parallel with on ground activities designed to identify and advance new targets for drilling in the forthcoming winter season.”

The company noted it remains well funded after a $25M cap raise in Q2.

WR1 last traded at 57cps.

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