
Surefire Resources (ASX:SRN) completes RC drilling at WA project

ASX:SRN      MCAP $11.91M
05 November 2020 14:45 (AEST)

Source: Surefire Resources

Surefire Resources (SRN) has completed a maiden reverse circulation (RC) drilling program at its Yidby Gold Project in Western Australia.

A total of 20 RC holes were drilled for 1687 metres to target historic, high-grade gold intersections at the Yidby Road, Cashen’s Find and Delaney Well prospects.

Drilling was delayed due to contractor availability and progress was slow thereafter.

A total of 777 samples were collected and submitted to a lab in Kelmscott, Perth for multi-element analysis.

A total of 12 holes were drilled at Yidby Road to a maximum depth of 160 metres. Nine out of 12 holes intersected significant amounts of mineralised quartz-feldspar porphyry with veining and fracturing.

At Cashen’s Find, three RC holes were drilled – each to a depth of 50 metres. Each hole intersected the quartz veined feldspar porphyry unit that outcrops within the main artisanal costean.

Mineralisation occurs on the hanging wall and footwall contact between the porphyry and the surrounding foliated metabasaltic rocks.

A total of five holes, for 312 metres, were drilled at Delaney Well down to a maximum depth of 72 metres.

Drilling targeted a north-south-trending shear zone with significant, high-grade historic results.

A stand-out includes eight metres at 4.6g/t gold from 22 metres including two metres at 17.7g/t gold.

Pleasingly, drilling observed veining and mineralisation at Delaney Well.

Company shares are up 14.3 per cent and are trading for 3.2 cents at 2:05 pm AEDT.

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