Elemental antimony in a pile at Trigg Minerals mine.
Source: Trigg Minerals Ltd
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Trigg Minerals Ltd (ASX:TMG) has acquired a landholding in a prospective region of New South Wales which importantly includes a historic mine once known for producing antimony grading more than 25%.

The company has submitted three exploration licence applications for land in the New England Orogen, which include the Bukkulla Mine and an extension to the Nundle Goldfield.

Rock chip sampling at the former has shown the presence of antimony grades around 23%, boosting hopes for the quality of mineralisation there – where grades of more than 25% were common during the mine’s years in production.

This deposit shows consistent chemistry, and includes arsenic, silver, and elevated gold values, with Trigg comparing it to antimony like Larvotto Resources’ (ASX:LRV) Hillgrove.

The two other licences comprise the North Nundle antimony project – an extension to the Nundle Goldfield, one of the most significant within the state during the 19th century – and the Tia antimony project, which comprises deep leads and reef gold occurrences, which are largely underexplored.

Geological data and historical exploration information were used to identify the value of these projects; Trigg intends to begin systematic exploration work there, including geophysical surveys, geochemical sampling, and drilling campaigns.

Executive chairman Tim Morrison said the package would boost the company’s investment in antimony in particular.

“This is an exciting step forward for Trigg Minerals as we continue to diversify and grow our exploration footprint in highly prospective regions like the New England Orogen,” he said.

“These new applications demonstrate our commitment to unlocking shareholder value by targeting highly prospective areas with strong potential for further major discoveries.”

Trigg has been trading at 4.1 cents.

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TMG by the numbers
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