
Victory Goldfields (ASX:1VG) completes drilling campaign in Cue, WA

ASX News, Mining
25 May 2022 17:06 (AEDT)

Aircore drilling at North Stanmore. Source: Victory Goldfields

Victory Goldfields (1VG) has completed its drilling program across targets at three projects near Cue in Western Australia.

The drilling program included 64 aircore drilling holes, for 4400 metres, at the North Stanmore gold and lithium project, 11 reverse circulation holes, for 1090 metres, at Coodardy and one diamond hole, for 290 metres, at the potential iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) target.

From the program, Victory has sent around 1400 samples to the laboratory for analysis and is looking forward to receiving the results.

Executive Director Brendan Clark said the drilling program ran on schedule despite the demanding times across the exploration sector.

“The company drilled an additional 1400 metres compared with the planned program due
to several promising intersections that warranted further drilling and we look forward
to updating the market with the assay results in due course,” he said.

“[I can] confirm that all samples have now been delivered to ALS Laboratory for analysis.”

Victory is aiming to complete Coodardy’s maiden JORC 2012 mineral resource estimate by late June.

Further drilling across the projects is planned for the third quarter of 2022.

On market close, Victory Goldfields was up 4.17 per cent and trading at 12.5 cents per share.

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