
Zeotech wins QLD gov’t funding for metakaolin PFS & FEED study

ASX News, Materials
ASX:ZEO      MCAP $90.83M
19 November 2024 10:27 (AEDT)
Kaolin in powder form

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Kaolin player Zeotech (ASX:ZEO) has confirmed its receipt of QLD government funding for a PFS & FEED study at Toondoon.

Toondoon is a kaolin project; for those unfamiliar, kaolin is a clay-like material which – when calcinated – turns into ‘metakaolin.’ At that point, it’s ready to use in construction.

It is towards the production of metakaolin at Toondoon that the QLD government has handed the cash over (as opposed to a PFS & FEED study for a mine necessarily.)

Rather, the study relates to metakaolin production. Worth noting is the scale of funding, here: QLD has handed over $145,000 – which could, depending on where you compare it to – seem paltry.

But Zeotech will partner with Holcim Pty Ltd, a building materials company spanning both Australia and New Zealand.

“Their involvement as an industry partner will support the Study through industry expertise, alongside evaluating the performance of the Company’s HRM product in concrete trials,” Zeotech wrote on Tuesday.

The funding comes through by way of the QLD gov’t collaborative ‘METS Project Fund.’

“The awarded METS funding for the advancement of the Toondoon Kaolin Project and Metakaolin Production PFS and initial FEED study further validates the important collaboration we have with the Queensland Government,” Zeotech CEO James Marsh said.

“The granted funding will assist in accelerating the work program underway that aims to deliver the PFS on schedule by 2nd Quarter 2025”.

In between the lines, Kaolin is an ESG-facing material.

To make Portland Cement – the term for the most common type of cement used all around the world – you need to calcify limestone and other aluminosilicate materials together, including clay, to make a product called clinker – the backbone of concrete.

The problem is, that process releases carbon emissions. Metakaolin you need to calcify too, but, not to the same extent.

ZEO last traded at 6cps.

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