
Centuria partners with Compass Housing and Tetris Capital

Market News, Real Estate
ASX:CNI      MCAP $1.485B
14 April 2019 22:41 (AEDT)

One of the largest social and affordable marketing partnerships in NSW has been established with Centuria partnering with Compass Housing and Tetris Capital.

This partnership will source, deliver and develop 192 dwellings across four properties across the Hunter and Central Coast Regions.

This is part of the Government’s National and affordable Housing agreement and the NSW State Government’s Social and affordable housing fund.

CEO of Centuria Jason Huljich hopes to expand operations across the state and country.

“This is a new growth opportunity for Centuria’s real estate division. We are focused on identifying further opportunities to establish similar models, which can be rolled out across projects in other NSW regions and other states,” he said.

Centuria have also announced its intention to commence a market buy-back of 10 percent of securities over the next 12 months.

“Our investment in the Social and Affordable Housing Sector is an example of a new business initiative with strong underlying fundamentals, good growth opportunities and the potential to be a strong, ongoing revenue contribution,” John McBain Group CEO.

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