
Graphene membranes – a game changer preparing to disrupt the world water market

ASX News, Industrial, Sponsored
ASX:CNQ      MCAP $19.14M
07 June 2023 14:36 (AEDT)

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Is NematiQ’s graphene membrane the holy grail of water filtration?

For generations of scientists in the water industry, the holy grail of research has been the quest to find a filtration membrane that combines:

For decades it has seemed like a fruitless search, as membranes that excelled in one of these criteria often performed poorly in others. But an innovative new, patented technology is about to change all that.

Australian water treatment and recovery specialist Clean TeQ Water (ASX: CNQ) is preparing to open new opportunities in the world-water market with ground-breaking new membrane technology through its subsidiary, NematiQ. The key material it uses is graphene – a one-atom thick lattice of carbon atoms first isolated in 2004.

Source: Supplied

Graphene – the “wonder material”

Some 200 times stronger than steel yet remarkably flexible, and a great conductor of electricity and heat while offering unique levels of light absorption, graphene is a “wonder material” that promises to revolutionise numerous industries. From batteries and solar cells to computer chips and supercapacitors, to touchscreens and even DNA sequencing, graphene is proving its game-changing properties across a truly diverse array of applications.

NematiQ utilises the remarkable properties of graphene oxide to create a range of filter membranes in different standard-sized modules, to dramatically improve on existing water purification technology, producing clean water without creating negative environmental impacts such as brine wastes in the process.

Affordability, flexibility, reliability – NematiQ has it all

NematiQ CEO Dr David Menzies told The Market Herald that after a decade of research, his team has perfected the patented technology to produce graphene membranes in commercial quantities, using industrial-scale manufacturing techniques.

These high permeability filters allow for the easy passage of water and salts while rejecting organic elements and pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and dissolved organics. The process is comparatively low in energy use and provides impressive water output and easier management of by-products.

The unique combination of high water recovery and low energy usage is facilitated by the high permeability of the membrane, which allows the system to run at much lower pressures than other nanofiltration membranes require.

Source: Supplied

No new filtration system required

One of the most outstanding aspects of this brand-new technology is that the NematiQ team has designed these new graphene filters to integrate seamlessly with existing filtration systems.

“We have produced membrane modules in a range of industry-standard spiral wound module sizes for water filtration, and these can be fitted to existing systems quickly and inexpensively,” Dr Menzies told The Market Herald.

“All that’s required to put the NematiQ graphene-based membrane to work is correctly sizing the modules to solve the problem at hand and inserting them into housings that are already commercially available. Our team has already considered the backwards compatibility issue that plagues new technology adoption.”

A broad array of markets

The NematiQ team has identified a range of markets and applications in which the exceptional performance of the graphene membrane can deliver operators considerable advantages. These include the treatment of drinking water, food and beverage wastewater treatment and re-use, industrial wastewater treatment, industrial separations, pre-treatment for seawater desalination, and municipal effluent treatment.

“We’re looking at a global market of some US$5 billion for replacement membranes,” said Dr Menzies.

“But we believe we can add at least another US$500 million in under-served or brand new markets that will be quick to embrace this technology.”

Source: Supplied

Commercially ready

Sales of the NematiQ technology have commenced, and news of the benefits of the technology is spreading quickly through many of the Australian companies that stand to benefit from its implementation.

In September 2022 the company signed a MOU with Australia’s largest and most prominent celery and leek growers to demonstrate how the technology can be used to treat and recycle process water for reuse in their manufacturing and packaging facility. Initial laboratory water quality tests showed substantial improvement in the specified water quality parameters, providing safe water for recirculation within the facility. This was followed up with an onsite pilot study in January 2023 to scale up the technology demonstration.

“They’re very impressed with the results, and we’ve been working with them on how to best deploy that solution,” NematiQ CEO Dr Menzies told The Market Herald.

“We are now entering the exciting stage of new product commercialisation of working with innovators in their respective industries to either enhance existing systems or to break ground in new markets.”

Another customer, WaterSource Australia, recently placed its first order with NematiQ for Graphene Membranes. Piloting showed NematiQ’s graphene membrane modules provided benefits over traditional membranes in their drinking water cabinets. These water cabinets are to be deployed to many of the underserved drinking water areas of the developing world.

“We are a membrane manufacturer with a unique product that will have a major impact on a lot of industries here in Australia and around the world,” Dr Menzies said.

“In 2023, we will be working with value chain partners, such as system integrators, to get our product into their systems where it can create revenue for the business and have a positive impact on global water scarcity.”

Source: Supplied

The investor takeaway

The technology is proven, ready, the applications are myriad, initial customer validation has been achieved with initial sales and the benefits are self-evident.

The taps will soon be turned on for parent company Clean TeQ Water, and there will be no going back.

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