
Nimy new anomaly finds boost prospectivity of Vera’s Gossan

ASX News, Materials
ASX:NIM      MCAP $12.48M
25 June 2024 13:09 (AEDT)
AI-generated image of a collection of drill cores meant to show copper mineralisation.

Source: Adobe Stock

Nimy Resources Ltd (ASX:NIM) has boosted expectations for its Vera Gossan copper-nickel-cobalt-zinc prospect in Western Australia, identifying three significant EM (electromagnetic) anomalies through a MLEM (moving loop electromagnetic) survey.

The survey – carried out by Gap Geophysics – showed the anomalies to extend south and remain open to the north of the outcropping gossan.

Previous rock chip sampling from Vera’s Gossan revealed anomalous assays, with a peak sample containing 2750 parts per million (ppm) nickel, 1119 ppm copper, 1370 ppm cobalt, 3180 ppm zinc and 1360 ppm sulphur.

The gossan is also in strong territory, located 13 kilometres directly west of Nimy’s Masson Prospect – a massive sulphide discovery – which hosts nickel, copper, cobalt and PGE, emphasising the fertile sulphide mineralisation of the territory.

Nimy Executive Director Luke Hampson said the discovery of the three new anomalies was another step in the right direction in delineating mineralisation at Vera’s Gossan.

“The survey follows the discovery of a mineralised gossan and indicates possible base metal
sulphide mineralisation after assaying of the gossan returned anomalous levels of nickel, copper, cobalt and zinc,” he said.

“The GAIP survey at Block 3 is complete with results imminent, our exploration strategy continues to unlock the potential of the newly identified greenstone belts within Nimy’s 3004 square kilometre Mons Project holding.

“A drill program is now being planned at Vera’s Gossan and will be completed along with the Masson Discovery drilling and Block 3 GAIP survey recommendations.”

Nimy has been trading at 5.6 cents.

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